Full Stack
Web Developer

Kasia Bondarava

Based in
Charlotte, NC




LiftQuest project mobile version preview

A workout tracker app that is responsive across multiple platforms. I was part of 8 person remote team, that worked on this app over an 8 week period. I worked on Front-End implementing onboarding feature, closely working with UX designer and Back End developers. Lift quest was our Lambda Labs project. Our group held daily stand up meetings to touch base, while working across multiple time zones and states.

  • React
  • LESS
  • Teamwork
  • Figma


A workout tracker app that is responsive across multiple platforms. I was part of 8 person remote team, that worked on this app over an 8 week period. I worked on Front-End implementing onboarding feature, closely working with UX designer and Back End developers. Lift quest was our Lambda Labs project. Our group held daily stand up meetings to touch base, while working across multiple time zones and states.

  • React
  • LESS
  • Teamwork
  • Figma

Lambda Times

This project was a final challenge for Applied JavaScript Sprint during my bootcamp classes. For this project I implemented the Tabs and the Cards components and also was able to write the functionality of a Carousel component as a streach goal.

  • JS
  • Class Components
  • Carousel
  • Responsive Design
  • Less

Lambda Times

This project was a final challenge for Applied JavaScript Sprint during my bootcamp classes. For this project I implemented the Tabs and the Cards components and also was able to write the functionality of a Carousel component as a streach goal.

  • JS
  • Class Components
  • Carousel
  • Responsive Design
  • Less

Project #3

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus exercitationem magnam veritatis, tempora odio maxime temporibus optio quae asperiores beatae, nesciunt!

  • Python
  • PyGame
  • Unit Testing
  • UI
  • Git

Project #3

Side project, which I started to learn Python with zero knowledge of the language

  • Python
  • PyGame
  • Unit Testing
  • UI
  • Git

Elephant Zoo

From zero knowledge of the language to a fully functioning app! This project was my coding adventure, a journey of self-discovery and skill-building. Starting with no prior experience, I took on the challenge of learning Python and applied it to create an exciting Sim App. This achievement represents my growth as a programmer and the incredible satisfaction of seeing my idea come to life through code.

  • Python
  • PyGame
  • Pygbag
  • Wasm
  • unittest
  • Git

Elephant Zoo

From zero knowledge of the language to a fully functioning app! This project was my coding adventure, a journey of self-discovery and skill-building. Starting with no prior experience, I took on the challenge of learning Python and applied it to create an exciting Sim App. This achievement represents my growth as a programmer and the incredible satisfaction of seeing my idea come to life through code.

  • Python
  • PyGame
  • Pygbag
  • Wasm
  • unittest
  • Git

Smurf List

This Redux project was the final challenge of my intensive bootcamp sprintand it holds a special place in my portfolio. It signifies the culmination of weeks of dedicated learning and hands-on practice. Through this project, I demonstrate my proficiency in Redux, a vital state management library, and my ability to integrate it seamlessly into web applications.

  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Git

Smurf List

This Redux project was the final challenge of my intensive bootcamp sprintand it holds a special place in my portfolio. It signifies the culmination of weeks of dedicated learning and hands-on practice. Through this project, I demonstrate my proficiency in Redux, a vital state management library, and my ability to integrate it seamlessly into web applications.

  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Git


A dynamic web page crafted with HTML, CSS, and LESS, enriched with real-time Twitter data integration via the Twitter API. This project is build with a strong emphasis on responsive design.

  • HTML
  • LESS
  • JS
  • Responsive Design
  • UI
  • Git


A dynamic web page crafted with HTML, CSS, and LESS, enriched with real-time Twitter data integration via the Twitter API. This project is build with a strong emphasis on responsive design.

  • HTML
  • LESS
  • JS
  • Responsive Design
  • UI
  • Git


Front End

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • LESS
  • SASS
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • JQuery

Back End

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • SQL
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB

Other Skills

  • Python
  • Git
  • netlify iconNetlify
  • Heroku
  • Figma
  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Deployment



I'm a passionate and aspiring junior web developer on a mission to turn ideas into captivating online experiences.

With a keen eye for design and a love for clean code, I'm dedicated to creating websites that not only look great but also function flawlessly. My journey into the world of web development has been fueled by curiosity, learning, and a drive to constantly improve.

The tech world evolves rapidly, and I'm committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements. I'm always excited to learn new technologies and incorporate them into my skill set.

Complex challenges excite me! I thrive in troubleshooting issues and finding innovative solutions. No problem is too big when approached with a curious mind and a determined spirit.